(Ministryof Agriculture, MD 165596/2994/85)

A. National Park’s Core Zone remains open from sunrise to sunset. Permanent or seasonal residents of “Kalania”and “Kroki” resorts are excluded and can move freely, 24 hours a day, to and from these locations, by exclusively using “Asprochoma - Paliopanagia – Kalania Road”.

B. Recreation is allowed only in the designated areas.

C. Due to the area’s intense relief (streams, cliffs) guests should use the designated recreation areas and paths, for their own safety. Children under 12 must be accompanied.

D. While in the Park, visitors should consider the following:


1. Roads with barriers and/or prohibitive signs are banned for all vehicles.

2. Parking is permitted only in the designated areas (parking spaces and special widening of roads).

3. Please, travel quietly. Speeding and deafening noise is prohibited.

4. Destruction or removal of the Park’s structures and equipment is not permitted.

5. Transporting cutters, cutting off trees and bushes, uprooting and collecting plants and any kind of vegetation damage is prohibited.

6. Collecting or transporting of compost and firewood is prohibited.

7. Setting on fires is permitted only in specially designated areas, after consultation with the local Forestry Authority.

8. Camping is prohibited

9. Pets should always be accompanied and be under physical control on a leash.

10. Displaying or placing of any sign and signal is not permitted.

11. Trading is not permitted.

12. Hunting is prohibited throughout the year. Furthermore, hunting is also prohibited within a 1km radius of the recreational areas as well as around the axis of the "Asprochoma - Paliopanagia Road."

13. The removal or destruction of nests, eggs or chicks of birds, as well as the disturbance and destruction of fauna is prohibited.

14. Respect of all the visitors’ right to peace and quiet.

15. Please do not litter. Dispose waste in waste containers only.

16. Leave geological formations intact for others to enjoy.

17. Taking pictures for commercial purposes is prohibited.

18. Grazing is prohibited at the Park’s Core. Installation of stables and grazing is prohibited within a 500 m radius from the recreational areas as well as 200 m around the axis of the "Asprochoma - Paliopanagia Road."

19. Installing bee hives is permitted under license of the Forest Service.


E. For useful information, contact the Competent Forest Services: Amfissa Forest Service (tel. 2265028264) and Livadia Forest Service (2261025001).

F. Violation of this Regulation subjects to sanctions of the provisions LD 86/1969, LD 996/1971, L 177/1975 and L 998/1979.

Parnassos National Park Management Body,
Amfiklia 35 002 Fthiotida
[tel/fax]:   +30 22340 23529
[e]:  info@parnassosnp.gr  |  fdparnas@yahoo.gr
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